Thursday, December 22, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Wolfram|Alpha Widget
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Wolfram|Alpha Widgets
Friday, August 5, 2011
10 Reasons to use Mathematica
Here are 10 good reasons to use Mathematica:
1. Multiparadigm language: the richness of the language allows to pick for any problem a programming paradigm or style which corresponds to it most directly. You spend most of the time thinking about the problem rather than implementation. The very high level of the language means that a lot of work is done for you by the system.
2. Interactivity. Mathematica is an interpreted language, which allows interactive and incremental program development. The Mathematica front - end adds another layer of interactivity, being able to display various forms of input and output (and this can be controlled programmatically). Yet another layer of interactivity is added by many new features of version 6.
3. Programming in the large. The typically small size and high level of abstraction of the code allows a single person to manage substantial projects. There is also a built-in support for large projects through the system of packages.
3. Built-ins. Availability of thousands of built-in functions makes it possible to do sophisticated analysis very quickly. Extended error message system (each built-in function can issue a lot of error messages on improper inputs) greatly simplifies debugging.
4. Genericity, higher-order functions and tight system integration. The very general principles of Mathematica, its uniform expression structure, generic nature of many built-in functions, and tight integration of all components allows to use all other built-in functions much easier than one would use libraries in other languages. The Help system is also uniform and it is immediate to learn the functionality of any built-in function that you have never used before.
6. Visualizations. Great dynamic and visualization capabilities (especially in version 6).
7. Cross-platform. The Mathematica code developed in one environment or OS will work in exactly the same way in all others where Mathematica is available.
8. Connectivity: the developers keep increasing the number of file formats which Mathematica can understand and process. Also, tools like MathLink , J/Link , database connectivity etc. allow one to connect Mathematica to external programs
9. Backward compatibility: since the version 1 and up to these days developers are careful to maintain very high level of backwards compatibility. This means that one should not worry too much that solutions developed in the current version will need a rewrite to work on the future versions (apart from possible improvements related to availability of new built - in functions, if one is so inclined).
10. Support for parallel and distributed computing.
Taken From Mathematica Programming
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Writing Code
Therefore, one can interact with Mathematica at the code level. Obviously one has to know those languages.
This screenshot is from the c code mathlink.c, in the Python directory. Also there are a few more .py programs there.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
You can read about them in Wolfram|Alpha Widgets.
Monday, June 27, 2011
CUDA and OpenCL
I guess the digital natives among us know about NVIDIA. I'm just learning.
Can one Make a Living Writing Mathematica Notebooks?
What will be the equivalent to Angry Birds in Mathematica?
Mathematica v.s. Open Source
Antes de presentar mis ideas, tengo dos disculpas: Primero, el idioma de este blog es el SpanGlish. Realmente no domino fluidamente este idioma, que hablan nuestros paisanos, los Chicanos; por lo cuál prefiero escribir cada nota sólo en un idioma. Segundo, el énfasis es software privativo. Casi todo lo que escribo es a favor de software libre. Tengo al menos un lector, Luis Montgomery Antelo, que principalmente usa software libre. En esta nota escribo mis razones para esta actitud esquizofrénica, en los dos aspectos. Pueden ver mi profile, aquí. Soy responsable de 28 blogs, este blog es el único en que me pongo de lado de, y sólo escribo sobre, una empresa privada. Siguen mis justificaciones.
Aunque ya impartí un curso de inglés en el nodo de Iguala, realmente no veo la necesidad de escribir todo en inglés aquí. Mi público para este blog es principalmente de habla hispana. Uso el inglés porque, por ser privada, Wolfram Research no tiene los recursos para ofrecer Mathematica en Español todavía. Además si quieren trabajar para Mathematica, tendrán que aprender inglés. Es posible trabajar en línea con esta empresa.
Mathematica v.s. Open Source
Mi razón para solicitarle al Dr. Covarrubias la compra de una licencia de Mathematica, es que no existe ningún producto de software libre liderado por un científico del calibre de Stephen Wolfram, desde mi humilde punto de vista, la UAGro ganará, más de lo que perderá, por pagar esta cuota. Quiero establecer una relación de cooperación con esta empresa, y creo que no se vería bien que empezáramos robándales su producto.
Ahora que vaya a mi casa en Illinois en estas vacaciones, espero comprar una licencia de estudiante a nombre de mi esposa, pues está haciendo su doctorado en Historia, y es estudiante registrada. Los mantendré informados por este blog del desarrollo de este propósito.
Foto del programa en mi computadora MicroStar, corriendo Ubuntu 10.04
Hello World from Chilpancingo!
This blog address is:
Here I write about this fundamental software instrument, which I believe will lead the way to the XXIst century for Science.
Not since Zeno of Elea asked his peers to think about an arrow's motion, has there it been a call to action more fundamental than this: Stephen Wolfram is asking us to look at the structure of computer programs as a new language to describe Nature.
In this blog you will find information about the Champaign, Illinois company that is changing the world of Engineering and Science: Wofram Research Inc..